Linux for beginners

Course Description

Introduction to Linux: From installation to using office, email and web, keeping your system secure and up-to-date and some useful command line tools.


£ 525 (incl. VAT)


12 hours

Course Details

This course is intended for people who haven't used Linux before, but who have some experience in using computers.

Linux for beginners covers the following topics:

  • Installation: How to install Linux on your computer either as the only operating system or as a dual-boot system with Windows.
  • Using Linux for day to day tasks: Office, email, web and image manipulation
  • Keeping your system secure and up-to-date: Configuration tools and options
  • Saving time with the command line: Automatic backups, batch-processing files and common commands

Norwich Dates

This course is currently only available for groups of 5 or more delegates. Please email us for more information and prices.

Please email us (with the course name and date) if you would like to book by email: