Advanced web design - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX

Course Description

Advanced web design: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap


£ 525 (incl. VAT)


12 hours

Course Details

This course starts with a hands on introduction to JavaScript (6h) where students learn the programming basics with many examples and exercises. This is followed by an overview of JQuery - one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for animations, form valiation, image slideshows and many other popular effects. Students will learn how to use AJAX and JSON to make their web sites more interactive and they will build a small responsive and mobile-friendly web site with Bootstrap(5h).

The last part of the course will be an overview of the most important new features of HTML5 and CSS3 (1h)

Advanced web design covers the following topics:

  • What's new in HTML5: Video, canvas, context menus, structural elements, web storage, form elements
  • What's new in CSS3: Borders, backgrounds, font effects, animations, column layout
  • JavaScript: Variables, loops, if statements and common uses to make web sites more usable
  • JQuery: How to use this JavaScript library to make your web sites more interactive
  • Ajax: Speeding up your sites by reloading only parts that change
  • Boostrap: Putting it all together by building a small responsive web site which looks great on mobiles and desktops. We'll also use some common JQuery plug-ins to add an image gallery and a sortable/ searchable data table.

Norwich Dates

This course is currently only available for groups of 5 or more delegates. Please email us for more information and prices.

Please email us (with the course name and date) if you would like to book by email: