Introduction to PHP: Programming basics, variables, control structures, functions, create dynamic websites and use data from databases.
£ 525 (incl. VAT)
12 hours
This course is intended for people with no or little programming experience. Basic knowledge of HTML would be useful (Please have a look at our XHTML course if you want to brush up on your HTML skills).
PHP is currently the most popular language for creating dynamic web sites. Whether you want to include a forum or publish data from your database on your web site or create web services for the sematic web, PHP is the ideal solution.
PHP is easy to learn and your PHP scripts can be quickly integrated with your existing web site.
PHP for beginners covers the following topics:
If you are interested in using a database as a backend for your web sites, you might be interested in one of the following 1-day or 2-evenings courses which cover basic database design, database configuration and performance tuning as well as an introduction to SQL:
Please email us (with the course name and date) if you would like to book by email: