Practical PHP

Course Description

Practical PHP: Rapid application development with frameworks, using sessions to pass data, securing your web applications and dynamically generating images


£ 325 (incl. VAT)


6 hours

Course Details

This course is intended for people who have taken our PHP for beginners course or who have been using PHP for a while and want to write their web applications faster, more secure and with more features.

Practical PHP covers the following topics:

  • Rapid application development and frameworks: Automatically generate your PHP code and save weeks of writing the same code over and over.
  • Sessions: Pass data between your scripts the secure way. Ideal for shopping carts and larger projects.
  • Security: Try to hack your own web site and learn how to fix the most common security mistakes.
  • Dynamic images: Create buttons, captchas and other images on-the-fly.

If you are interested in using a database as a backend for your web sites, you might be interested in one of the following 1-day or 2-evenings courses which cover basic database design, database configuration and performance tuning as well as an introduction to SQL:

Norwich Dates

This course is currently only available for groups of 5 or more delegates. Please email us for more information and prices.

Please email us (with the course name and date) if you would like to book by email: